Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A forgotten love...

There was once a time when i went to bed with a book and woke up with the first thought being what I'd read that day! EVERYDAY! Throughout my school days, I was always in the bad books of my teachers because most class hours of mine were devoted not to the blackboard but to the book under my desk! I still remember my class teacher complaining to my dad that I was flouting school rules!! Dad was not too happy about it and refused to lend me money for the library... Not to be put down by this, I'd borrow the library cards of classmates and use them. I'd finish my lunch in the morning break and use the whole lunch hour to read in the library! It continued in college... I was convinced that I had a severe problem with this excessive reading... and would brag to friends that I might possibly develop withdrawal symptoms if I keep away from books for more than two days... Then came my third year of college and somehow, something somewhere went wrong and suddenly I found that I could not take in more!! I lost the inclination, COMPLETELY! Letters swim around the pages when I try to read something these days...
List(!) of books I have read from Jan 06:
Archer's 'As the crow flies'
Follett's 'Night over water'
Segal's 'Love Story'
Some reader's attempt at writing his own version of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'
60 and odd pages of 'The Alchemist'
2(yes, i swear) pages of Ayn Rand's 'Fountainhead'
Whatever happened...

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