Saturday, May 20, 2006


Well, i've been home 4 a long time now...over a month,i guess! Thanks to that, i've become addicted to orkut! i wake up with orkut..., eat,sleep n drink orkut.My arm's kind of fine and know what, i've become ambi-dextrous!!

Folks, did u all notice any changes since karunanidhi's swearing in?
Route boards on buses now display Kalaignar nagar, instead of k.k.nagar!
Wonder if the change'll be reflected elsewhere too...
The reservation issue seems to be rocking the nation, but we tamilians have come to terms with it long back,i guess... We've learnt to live with it!
Its a joke- few communities have more seats than the number of takers!
How do you justify reservation in the case of post graduate courses , especially in medical and engg. streams?? when they've "enjoyed equal exposure to quality education" and other such oft-quoted status phrases, during under grad...
I heard someone on screen argue in favour of reservation , saying , o.c candidates don't really stay to serve the nation after they complete their studies -they just leave abroad... why'd they, if offered equal opportunity here?
However noble the intentions behind reservation might be, the point they're driving to the masses is:
"Whether u bother to study or not, we'll take care of u- just offer u seats".
It is a joke indeed!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

and the c.m is...

lights off, reaction... all drama's over! party manifestoes in dump yards, cho n naresh gupta forgotten for a while,lok paritran gearing up for the next state, admk licking its wounds... sigh, with a broken arm, unable to do much,ndtv and cnn-ibn offered me all the company i needed the past few weeks ! am going miss all that action,i guess!
or is it the grand opening of more intense drama? the scrapping of all "schemes" started by the admk,restarting of uzhavar sandhais... i wonder what's going to happen to the yearly elephant rejuvenation camp! what next? an embargo on temple elephants? and then , there's the rain water harvesting scheme... now, i guess we'll be asked to demolish those structures and asked to contribute towards desalination projects!!
maybe admk should have promised to do away with anna univ sem exams or better yet, should have sacked viswanathan ... that'd have been the winning strategy!
cut to the point, WHEN R THEY GOING TO ARREST JAYA?? and count the no. of kerchiefs she owns... they'd better start the count now, if they intend to know the final figure before their term ends!wonder if they'll arest n send jaya to mudhumalai along with her clan!
what's the reservation break up going to be like... ? the necessary criteria to get into anna univ- should have appeared for the class 12 exams( no probs with failed candidates too!) and should be non-fc!!
and here i am, typing away endlessly and u folks reading these senseless lines when we 've got to demand for our free tv sets!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


there's always something emotional about ur firsts... that make u smile afterwards, that make u jot it down in your diary... And if u've broken ur writing arm like me,u'll transcend to starting ur blogspot! so, that clearly explains y this tech-challenged female has finally entered the bloggers club!
coming back to firsts..., on monday i voted 4 the first time in my life!!! and since then, been proudly flashing my left index finger at everyone who cares to stop by and enquire about my arm!
i've finally participated in the country's democratic system. i nod my head with pensive expressions,offer suggestions unsolicited(i.e.,repeat whatever cho ramaswamy says on screen,only to find that the others faithfully quote burkha,rajdeep or ram!!) when people discuss politics, i justify my presense there,licensed by the indelible ink!
i look back in my life ( every single detail journalled in my bulky diary!). every first has been carefully recorded- first watch,first crush, first drive,first saree, first day in college...
and i wonder if its the same for everyone!
and out of habit,i reach for my diary to write down about my first blog post and only then do i realize that my right elbow is fractured!